A wonderful time to take a ceremonail moment and light the candle and ask:
Let the creative juices flow and do something exciting such as; take a cooking class, play in your garden, take a dance class, go on a hike, or something that speaks to your heart. If you are feeling blocked, maybe take a ceremonial moment to call in spirit and the angels to push through the resistance.
Getting in touch with your inner child may be a key for unlocking your creativity. Your children are endlessly creative because they have not yet become inhibited. Maybe it is time to plan a play date for yourself and create splendid wonder.
Affirmations by Louise Hay:
I am a clear thinker, and I express myself with ese.
I am learing to be more creative every day.
I direct my creative talents towards music, art dance, writing
- anything that gives me pleasure.
My talents are in demand, and my unique gifts are appreciated by those arround me.
Ideas come to me easily and effortlessly.
I release all resistance to expressing my creativity fully.
Today is the Day!!